Organic Chemicals
Miami, Florida, United States

99.99% GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Liquid

99.99% GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Liquid Bodybuilding Recreational Drug Wheel Cleaner 99.99% GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Liquid Bodybuilding Recreational Drug Wheel Cleaner USP GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Genuine GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Legit GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Order GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Buy GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Get GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Online GBL Gamma Butyrolactone

USD$550.00 / Liter
Min Order: 1

Gamma Butyrolactone

99.99% GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Liquid Bodybuilding Recreational Drug Wheel CleanerUSP GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Genuine GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Legit GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Order GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Buy GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Get GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Online GBL Gamma Butyrolactone

GBL has a wide range of practical applications because of its low freezing point, high boiling point, and a unique combination of solvent and electrical properties. It has applications as a solvent for special resins, in photography, in batteries, and as an electrolyte. Also a number of derivatives are synthesized from GBL.

CAS: No. 96-48-0 (T)EINECS: No. 202-509-5Japan Chemical Substances Control Law: METI-No. 5-3337Japan, Industrial Safety and Health Law: No. 5-3337Japan, Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law: Not applicable.Japan, Fire Services Law: Hazardous material Class 4 Petroleums No.3 (water-soluble liquid).Aprotic, polar solvent. 

by jmttradingllc

Business Type
Distributor, Wholeseller

Company Tags
Enery Drink

Preferred Markets

BtoTree EXPOs